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Feb 3rd, 2021- Giving up Makeup

We started down a journey of minimalism a few years ago. I thought it would be a struggle to let things go... but what I really struggled with was my mindset. I'm kind of an all-or-nothing sort of person. Which is why after only a night of talking about traveling across the United States, we were standing in front of our packed car the following Saturday!

It was hard in the beginning to not just throw everything away and buy all new pretty minimalism items; To jump in feet first and distance myself from everything I already owned. But if I'm going to "do" minimalism, I'm going to do it all the way. So our journey began with the goal of minimalism in the following categories:

  • Possessions

  • Finances

  • Routines/Schedules

  • Internal Minimalism

I'll get into each of these a little at a time over the next couple of weeks, but this morning as I was getting ready, I thought today was a good day to talk about one of them.

As you all know by this point, we are on a journey across America. We have no real schedule, and no particular destination in mind. We think we'll try to see all the mainland states but all other details are made up on the fly. Because we didn't plan everything out, our timeline might be a month, or a year. Whatever feels right. As long as we are happy and enjoying our adventure, we don't feel rushed to head back.

All this being said, any Type A personality could surely understand how challenging it would be to plan on what to pack! Do we pack for one season? Or all seasons? Do we need a weeks worth of clothes, or a nine months? Fortunately, our minimalism journey over the last couple of years really taught us how to live without and make do with what we decided to keep in our lives.

One of the harder things for me to downsize was my makeup. I LOVE makeup. I don't wear very much, but I like to have variety. I like to open the lids and see the shimmery eyeshadows. I like to hear the click of compacts. And I LOVE having all my lipsticks lined up all neat and orderly.

I learned from a very early age that I need routine to feel grounded. Part of my daily routine is to wake up to the sound of my coffee brewing, take a cup into the bathroom and let it cool down while I brush my teeth, hair, and put my makeup on. By the time my makeup is applied, my coffee is the perfect temperature to drink and I can start work --- feeling like I accomplished something already. Well, absolutely nothing has changed since hitting the road. I still follow the same routine every morning, seven days a week.

So what did I pack for my trip of unknown duration? Everything I own (which isn't much).

  1. $6 Covergirl BB Cream Tinted sunscreen. I purchase this every other month. This stuff is like magic. I've seriously never gotten a sunburn so it must work! It doesn't rub off on my clothing, never oxidizes into funny colors, and applies easily with my hands.

  2. $5 Elf eyebrow pencil so I don't look like an alien. Seriously though- I'm thinking about getting them tattooed on but when this only costs me $5 and lasts like 6 months, I just can't commit to a permanent decision like that.

  3. $7.50 Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer. I buy this every three months. I think I've tried every concealer ever made. I'm only slightly exaggerating. I had pretty bad acne most of my young adult life and thank God every day that it's mostly behind me. But the discoloration and scarring still makes me feel uncomfortable. I LOVE this concealer. It's probably in the "lightweight" category but it gives me 100% coverage. It doesn't change color during the day, it doesn't slide around when I'm taking my facemask on and off. It's like confidence in a tiny tube!

  4. $8 Covergirl Intensify Me Black Eyeliner. This is my fav! The soft application tip glides easily and the heavy pigment makes this one and done. It doesn't smudge or run into my eyes if I get sweaty. And it's not waterproof so it's easy to remove at the end of my night with nothing more than water and a washcloth. I buy a new eyeliner twice a year.

  5. $24 Thrive Causemetics Liquid Lash Extension mascara. This lasts me about three months. Okay- I know this seems pretty spendy compared to the rest of my makeup. But It's so easy to apply. It makes my thin lashes long and thick. My eyelashes are actually healthier since I started using it six months ago. It never flakes off. Ever. And I can remove gently with water. Oh- and it comes off in ribbons instead of smearing all over your face! Kinda hard to explain. You'll just need to try it for yourself. You definitely won't regret it!

  6. $0.30 Arrowroot powder. Many years ago I bought a translucent powder from Elf. For the past four years, I've been refilling that same container with arrowroot powder from the bulk bin of a grocery store. It only costs me like $0.30 every two years to get a tiny mason jar filled up. I like it 1000% better than any setting powder, translucent powder, powder of any kind that I've ever tried. I apply a little bit to my forehead, nose, and chin, and let it set while I'm putting on my eyeliner and mascara. I brush is off any excess at the end for a perfect smooth finish. It totally stops shine from happening! And I love that its's 100% translucent so I never have to worry about getting those weird evening pictures you see sometimes of white spots on peoples faces. Lol!

  7. 2 for $1 Carmex Chapstick. Does this even count as makeup? I didn't want to deceive you so I added it just in case. I usually have this on hand. I probably buy a pack every few months.

So, yeah, that's it! I never thought that I would go from 3 large containers of makeup to only 7 items. And I've been wearing these same seven items for the last couple of years. Not only am I saving a ridiculous amount of money, I'm also saving so much time too. I can seriously brush my teeth, do my hair, and apply my makeup in five minutes. Okay, more like 10 minutes if I go crazy and whip out my curling iron. And the best part is that I don't feel like I'm sacrificing. I still have my morning routine to start the day off on the right foot and I feel presentable when we're in public. There might be some days that I wish I had a hot red lipstick to throw on before a picture but then I remember how much my husband hates lipstick (*sigh*) and I move on with my life.

Have you started your minimalism journey yet? It's hard but there are so many of us rooting for you from the sidelines! I have found peace and so much happiness after I starting focusing my energy on what is really important and not being so "busy" maintaining what I have!

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