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Jan 1, 2021- It's time for a new New Year!

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

How do you even start an undertaking of this magnitude? A year of travel with two small children while we juggle full time jobs, a few rental properties, family obligations, and a pandemic?

If there is anything 2020 taught us, it is that life is fragile. Our time here can not be taken for granted and we can't go another year without prioritizing our family above all the material things we surround ourselves with. So... after about a year of considering our options, paying off all our debt, and forming strong business partnerships with companies who can manage our affairs while we are away, it's finally time to take the leap!

Today is January 1st, 2021 and we've chosen our first destination. We're giving ourselves only seven days to prepare before we hit the road. Our list is a mile long. Shoot, it's 100 miles long! This feels crazy. And exciting. And really, really scary. All I can hope is that we will have grace after being trapped in a car for hours on end, that we will find laughter instead of anger when things go wrong, and that my kids still want to hold my hand when we lay under the stars in the desert. That seeing them twinkle above us, they, and we, will know that this life is so... much... more...

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