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Jan 15th, 2021 - It's FRIDAY!

We're closing out our time in Las Vegas and Nevada as a whole tomorrow. This week has flown by! We had a productive work week, the kids are ahead in their school work, and we are exhausted from all the sightseeing we've been doing late into the nights. When work ends today, we're going to take the kids to Seven Mountains to see the art installation and have a quiet evening enjoying the stars away from all the lights and distractions.

We've learned a lot as a family over the past few days.

  1. It's fun to have fun in small doses. It's definitely not sustainable over a long period of time. It's exhausting!

  2. Not having to deal with crowds during a pandemic is nice, but after a while, (especially when you're in a place like Vegas), you start to miss other humans. There is something very special about the feeling of hundreds or thousands of other humans enjoying the same moment as you... to hear the collective laughter, or the thunderous clapping.

  3. The stoplights in Vegas SUCK! It is a serious inconvenience to have to drive anywhere (but the walkability is a 10 out of 10). We found ourselves sitting at red lights for an eternity in empty streets. It made us feel even more alone. Like maybe they were set on such long timers to allow a large group of cars to go through, but it was just us. By our lonesome. No other cars. Waiting for the stupid light to change.

  4. You can easily have an entire vacation here for FREE (or close to it). We've been here over a week now and still haven't been able to see all the free entertainment Vegas has to offer. We'll definitely fly back for an event when those start happening again, but if you're on a budget and want to pack in as much entertainment as possible, Vegas is a great option.

  5. Vegas is very kid friendly. If you are super conservative, the billboards and showgirls walking around might be a little too provocative. But aside from that, everyone we met went out of their way to make our kids feel included and welcome. We didn't notice much of a change when daytime turned into night either. Having the kids created a bit of a buffer for us too. We were mostly left alone by street performers, cancan girls, and the casino vendors that try to get you to stay and gamble. Would I come back with my kids? Absolutely!

We're all really looking forward to our next stop in Arizona where we can spend more time outdoors and not have to wear our masks as often. It'll be two weeks of rest to recover from Vegas. Haha! (Seriously though). If you have any favorites in Arizona let us know! We'll have a little more time here to explore and take it all in.

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