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Jan 2, 2021 - T Minus 6 Days

Oh my goodness... do I really only have six days until our road trip across America?! I've been thinking about this adventure for such a long time, I'm having a hard time comprehending this is really happening. I'm finding myself obsessing about cleaning, figuring out what I can pack to make our entire family comfortable on the road, making plans for the house we're leaving behind, setting up contingency plans, booking reservations, and the list continues on in a dizzying circle of stress and anxiety.

But this evening I took an hour to go shopping with my mom. We stood in a retail store and talked about hopes and dreams. I listened to her telling me stories about things she wished she did when she was my age. We laughed about the crazy fashion choices we saw and I watched her face light up when she realized she could by an XL now instead of the 3x she wore only a few months ago.

Life is good. It's not as complicated as my anxious mind is trying to make it. As I'm sitting here typing this, my children are tucked warmly into their beds, my dogs are laying down lazily, and country music is playing quietly on my television. My house is peaceful. In this moment of quiet, I am filled with thankfulness for this amazing opportunity.

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