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Jan 5th, 2021 - Only 3 days to go!

Updated: Jan 9, 2021

So much to do, so little time. I feel like I'm in a state of shock, slowly walking around my house not fully comprehending that I only have three days left until our road trip begins.

I remember feeling this way walking down to aisle toward my husband, walking into the first house we bought, and seeing each of my children for the first time. It's a cruel coping mechanism, this fog. It deprives you of joy and leaves you in eerie state of depression where you're watching things happen all around you but you're not really "in the moment". In some ways I feel fortunate. I've experienced this many times and have developed pretty strong methods of helping myself when I realize I'm falling back down that dark hole.

I start my morning by writing three things I am grateful for. This morning I wrote:

- I am grateful to be going on this adventure with my family.

- I am thankful to have friends and family who care about me.

- I am grateful for our financial stability.

Then I do my bible study for 15 minutes, drink my hydro flask of water while getting dressed, and carry a cup of warm coffee to my office to start work.

Although none of these things are very momentous, having a simple ritual helps me start my day off on a path of gratitude, self care, and productivity. When I am taking care of myself, it prepares me to be a better employee, wife, and mother.

The advice I give myself is the same I give everyone I talk to. Start with gratitude. Always start with gratitude. Even on my worst days, I can think of something to be grateful for. I have some days where all I was able to write down is, "I'm grateful I woke up this morning." Start with something. Literally anything. Say it to yourself. Write it down. Read your words. As you develop an attitude of gratitude, your life will start changing. I promise.

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