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now in in new mixico

so we just arived in new mexico now me and lance have our rooms picked out and i got a bed that tirns into a cowch and we are going to do some fun stuff

ok.... um ya so we fliped a coin and i won and then had to give up the room but got a speshal treat🤗 and now me and lance have bene playing with jesica aka my ant\corter sister on mincraft 💕 so now we have gon shoping for food shoping for soap and now here i am rhiteing this so🤷 ya k what was i saying oh ya we arived at our new house ya there is like no internet so gous who is mad my mom and dad💻 like how do these peple live🤷 ok i am calm now ok we need be abel to work so here comes the super hero the jetpack yep bet you did't see that comin😂 so now we have internet so that saves the day now i am ending this becase my fingers hurt🤷.

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