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How our cannonball run is going so far...

To start, you should know something. We are getting home as quick as possible, this is called a cannonball run. Now that you're informed, let's get into it!

We started the "run" from Kentucky, so that means we are basically skipping all the states from there to Oregon. We have to start this story from yesterday. We drove from Kentucky to Kansas, on the way we saw "THE GATEWAY OF THE WEST '' and bought some magnets and stickers which were cool :) There we also had a bit of lunch (hint:it was taco bell)

and it was so weird, not because of the lunch. It was about the fact that the people there weren't wearing masks, the weirdest thing about all of it was... It felt normal still. It was such a nostalgic feeling and I will miss it when we arrived in oregon.

The second leg of our "run" was today, and we went from Kansas to Wyoming. Now if you were to look at a map, it would definitely be something to chuckle about, but sitting in a car can REALLY take it out of you.

When we first left our hotel, it was very quick. We keep all our clothes and anything we would need in a backpack so that we only need to take one bag. This makes getting in and out of the hotel take like 5 minutes max. The breakfast at the hotel was good too, in fact there was a nice lady serving the food that just reminded me of family in the fact that they seemed to care when you were talking to them. In all honesty that is not a common trait, but it should be highly desired. On our drive out, it was nothing much. The states we drove through were quite flat and boring. The worst thing in my mind about the whole drive was towards the last hour and a half there was a strong wind blowing the car off the road. This kept leading to dad jerking the wheel, and if any of you have motion sickness you know this can be missurable

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May 27, 2021

First I saw the map, said to myself "WOW, they aren't wasting any time on the return trip!" Now I am at your blog and will read.


Dino Rossi
Dino Rossi
May 23, 2021

Lance needs to channel his inner Oregon Trail character. He’s been through this part of the journey before ;)

lance stone
lance stone
May 24, 2021
Replying to

haha... yea, that was fun. As "Fred the worm sour" I will never give up ;)

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