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last blog post

here we go thru idaho and this mmight be my last blog eva so say bye bye to our adventure we had a SEVEN HOUR DRIVE TODAY man how fun hahahahahahahahahahahahaha🤣😂

i have a song stuck in my head that goes... have you gone insane wer nothing more than friends your not my lovebird more like a brother i knew you since we were like ten now dont mess it up and then bad word ill stop well we are going to oregon hines and so yeah tomorow we will be drome roll please... HOME ha la lu ya ha lalu ya

omg i have to stop with the memes idk how long itll take to unpack

i learned how to photo shop and i made this pic of a lil girl thats like 9yrs old here i show you the pic

do you like it? i photo shoped frekls and a bow and eye shadow and lipstick i worked rlly hard i hope u like it its a 9yr old did i menchin that idk if i did and sorry if i did i tryd puting alot in this post for you guys so ya i think its cool you guys see us driveing around and ITS AN ADUY PEOPLE NOT A VAN ok i think thats it bye.

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May 28, 2021

I visited a lot of places in my life, but.......there is no place like home! So happy your adventure is coming to a safe and happy end you will soon be safe, sleeping once more in your own beds!! Love, hugs and kisses from Granny!!

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