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misrable way home🥺

we whent from 2 hours in the car to EIGHT HOURS IN THE CAR

my electronics like nentendo swich and laptop and tablet all died in the first like 5 hours idk the real amount of time well i think this might be the worst day BECASE I HAD EIGHT HOURS IN THE CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

i was SO BOURD but yeah i need to stop being BORRRDDDDDDDD

it was so long the longest EIGHT HOURS EVA

i think thats it but make sure to folow along becase i have more posts comeing up yay more gramer mistakes i even spelled grammar wrong ugh these day you use text to speach anyway im goin byeeeeeeeeeeeee

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May 27, 2021

Your dad has first cousins in Kansas City, MO and Payson, UT, but I don't imagine, with your cannonball run, you will find time to visit. My brother David's older daughters who went to school at DHS.

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