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My thoughts of new mexico

To start off this story, we begain driving to our new house.

"this neighborhood looks sketchy" my dad said hesitantly. There was trash everywhere and it was overall just a bad neighborhood. Once we arived at the house and it was small but had the comfyest couch ever, other than the couch there was nothing remarkable about it, so I won't bore you with the house. Next, we went to go get our groceries for the week. Then we drove into the parking lot just to find a car with a broken out back window. As we got out of the car and walked closer to the front enterence of the building we saw guards outside the door of the grocery store. That worried us. So we asked that same guard where he gets his groceries, just for him to tell us that this acctualy isn't a bad part of town. I am SOOOO happy we got a house in the part of town we did even though it was a little rough.

You probibly want to know what we did in new mexico. To start, we went to see the native atttractions, having 23 tribes and all. So we went to downtown. We where hoping to find local native venders selling there good, but no such luck. While we where there we found other shopes though. Like Native jewlery and Native print blankets and like everything you could think of.

Now this technically doesn't count because it was in Arizona. But I decided to mention it anyways because it was super cool. At the Petrified Forest the wood there was really cool, it was rainbow because of all the minerals that was deposited in that over time as the organic matter disappeared. But what I really wanted to tell you about was just outside of the Petrified Forest there is an atraction where there is a petrified log suspended over the top of a small stream, the funny part is, to preserve it they put a concrete pillar underneath of the log, but my dad and I are laughing because we both know that that concrete piller would fall apart a long time before that tree would ever collapse. There is soooo much more I could tell you, if you are interested you shoud go check out my parents blog they got everything about the trip. Thankyou for reading my block and have a wonder day :)

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